What do 'healthy performance cultures' have in common?
It's probably not what you think (and it certainly surprised me)
I've had the privilege of supporting and studying some of the world’s most exceptional teams:
→ Gold Medal Winning Olympics Teams
→ Special Forces
→ Evelina Children's Hospital in London
→ Royal Ballet
→ New Zealand Rugby
The most surprising thing about them all?
They're imperfect, dysfunctional, and riddled with tension.
And they're definitely not comfy and conflict-free.
In fact, they're anything but slick, well-oiled, and 'happy all the time'.
However, here's the key point. Great leaders and managers of these environments recognise that this is not only expected; it's inevitable.
You see, when you bring together a group of individuals with diverse attitudes, beliefs, and opinions, it will be messy. Very messy.
What's the ONE thing they have in common (or at least they're intentional about addressing)?
It's not just that they're committed to:
- upholding high standards of winning behaviours
- uniting everyone around a compelling mission
- have a clear identity that creates a 'Me to WE' culture
It’s about cultivating a mindset that an inclusive environment is safe FOR disagreement, not FROM disagreement.
These teams create spaces where colleagues feel safe to:
→ Debate ideas and challenge each other without fear of being shut down.
→ Disagree constructively without being seen as pessimistic or difficult.
Avoiding friction isn’t inclusion—it’s avoidance. And avoidance is the enemy of growth and excellence.
And it's so often the case.
But let's be clear. Disagreement isn't something to chase - or give voice to people who love an argument.
It’s often hidden - unspoken and unresolved - because people fear the consequences of speaking up.
A culture that disagrees well isn’t accidental. It’s built intentionally through:
→ High trust, care, and belonging
→ Clear principles and boundaries for debate
→ Training employees on the SKILL of disagreeing well
Want to read more about this? Here’s a free resources that goes into a more detail.
I’ll be back in the new year with more consistency of writing (because I will be writing my new book which I’m excited share more with you)!